


Ceremony Location

Wedding design & Planning

Bridal dress

Wedding venue

Wedding cake

Rural elegant wedding design of intimate wedding.

Combining the pleasant with the festive. This is exactly what Draga and Samuel had in mind for their intimate wedding. Even their two locations were unique: the wildly romantic Thunstetten Castle and the rurally elegant Hotel Bären in Dürrenroth, Switzerland. The elegant wedding party was “fitting into the picture perfectly” – pun intended.

But most of all it was the unique wedding design by GAEA.DESIGN that let me dive into a dream world on this brilliant autumn day. At the end of this article you will find an exciting interview with GAEA.DESIGN, in which they give you some insights into wedding design for an intimate wedding.

First Look: The tension is rising!

It is not only faith, but also love that moves mountains. Draga and Samuel had nothing else on their minds, so they spared no effort to make sure their loved ones from abroad could be at the ceremony.

When I arrived in the castle’s courtyard, family and friends were waiting in anticipation for the arrival of the bride. And there she came, beaming all over! So did the groom, as the bride’s brother slowly led her towards him. Their first look was full of genuine love and emotion (please scroll down).

Wedding dress and wedding suit

Draga’s sleeveless wedding dress and long veil shimmered softly in the sun light. Thus, they perfectly matched the mood at this location and their wedding design, or in Draga’s words (translated from English):

Nine months before the wedding I chose the wedding dress. I looked at it for some time and imagined how it would fit into the whole look and style of the day. I wanted something simple yet elegant, a dress that embodied my style. The veil, which would be made by my tailor from Montenegro, I added myself […].

Samuel’s dark blue three-piece also fit the location perfectly. According to Draga, however, the choice was much easier for him:

We chose the wedding suit together shortly before the wedding, just like men do. Last minute shopping is their greatest talent.

Intimate ceremony

The ceremony of the two took place amongst their family and in a small setting, which we would also recommend to other couples. Intimate weddings are not only easier to organize and incur less stress, but also give the couple the opportunity to fully focus on each other. Draga and Samuel were also very relaxed at their intimate wedding and were only focused on each other, which you can really feel in each of their photos.


We quickly prepared the exit of the two at the end of the ceremony. We had the wedding party posing on a flight of stairs, holding white roses, and waited for Draga and Samuel. When the two of them came down the stairs, exuberant with happiness (as they always did that day), we just could not stop shooting images :).

Bouquet toss

Although our photography coverage only lasted about 4 hours, we were still able to capture a variety of wedding events. And, of course, there was that moment: the split-second when all the unmarried guests are burning with anticipation … That’s right, it’s about the tossing of the bridal bouquet. Luckily, I kept my calm and so did the bride’s sister, who is now definitely next in line for a dream wedding!

The couple shoot

Every moment of couple shoot lasts for eternity. Draga, Samuel and I sneaked off for a short while and had a lot of fun – and photos too.

Reception at Hotel Bären Dürrenroth

The couple’s afternoon reception and dinner took place at a romantic location not far from the castle – the Romantik Hotel Bären in Dürrenroth. The location perfectly matched Thunstetten Castle in terms of color and also style, which is certainly due to the work of wedding designers GAEA.DESIGN (more on this in the last section).

In the elegant ballroom of the hotel, the wedding party now gathered around the dining table which was decorated in a tastefully elegant and discrete manner.

The cake cutting

I had agreed with Draga and Samuel that we would schedule the cake cutting for an earlier time, since this event usually takes place later in the evening. I can stay a little less long this way and you can save some “wedding photographer” in your budget.

With the help of the groom’s sister, we had the cake prepared for cutting even before dinner. Each guest got a sparkler in his hand and – voilà – the result was impressive.

Harmony in all details

As harmonious as the couple and the wedding party were, so were the “trappings”: the choice of dresses, the two locations, the wedding cake and the decoration of the wedding table all came together to form a truly delightful and memorable experience.

If you want that same harmony and beauty at your wedding, I would highly recommend hiring a wedding designer. This way you can relax during the preparation and be sure that every detail of your wedding will fit and harmonize with your vision.

Wedding design of intimate wedding

You can find the entire interview with GAEA.DESIGN, who created the wedding design, at the bottom of the page. I would like to take this opportunity to thank them for this wonderful experience. 

On a final note, I want to leave you with a piece of advice that they wrote me:

Always book a professional, after all, when you build a house you also count on an architect by your side. And get inspired by Pinterest and co, but never let it drive you crazy. There are too many different styles, colors and trends, listen to your gut feeling, it has to be right for you and for no one else. 

Interview with GAEA.DESIGN

What does the beginning of a collaboration with the couple look like for you and how did this work out for Draga & Samuel?

For us, a collaboration always begins with the creation of the most concrete offer possible, with all the in-house services discussed, after the initial meeting. As soon as this is confirmed and the contract is signed, we start with the planning or the creation of a concept, depending on the booked services. If a complete planning including design is not booked with us, and only a concept with a detailed bill of materials (Floral Design & Decor) is required, we charge a fee for the quotation.

Did the couple already know what design concept they wanted when they contacted you, or did you help them with some ideas?

When working out the design concept we always ask for the client’s ideas, taking into consideration the color scheme and style of the location and then work out a mood which is discussed first. It can also be that the bride and groom want a certain theme, or we ask for the don’ts, which we of course also consider. As soon as the mood board has been approved, we go into detail with all the required materials including the flowers and work out a detailed design concept (listing & visualization material, costs etc.), while for large installations a concrete visualization (3D or 2D sketch) is created. This process was also similar for Draga and Samuel.

How much time did it take you to design Draga & Samuel’s wedding on location? What should couples consider when designing their wedding and how does this affect the process?

Basically, the design does not affect the overall flow on the wedding day. The flow of the wedding is entirely based on the desired activities to be performed on that day. The assembly and disassembly of the design, on the other hand, is always based on the wedding schedule. This means that we always calculate back how many hours are needed for the construction or dismantling of a concept. For larger installations, this can also mean that we have to start one day or a few days before the wedding. Dismantling always takes place when an “activity” at a location is finished, i.e. it may be that we already do the dismantling on the wedding day itself (not afterwards). This is mainly the case if several locations have been chosen (e.g. ceremony in the church or outside and the festivities in another location).

It is important to note that, depending on the size of the concept, a rental fee may also be charged for the day before the wedding, if the set-up has to start the day before.

In the case of Draga and Samuel, it was a single large and long table that was decorated. Their wedding concept was more simple and we were able to make everything in-house. This shortened the time span considerably and we were able to come up with the desired design within a few days and then execute it on site within a few hours.

From idea to realization: how do you show couples what the end result looks like?

Through a rough mood board, then in detail with pictures or physical samples of the materials as well as a visualization (3D or 2D).

How much time does a couple have to spend on average to design their wedding together with you? E.g. in the case of Draga and Samuel’s wedding.

This is very individual and depends on the size of the wedding. But if it is purely about the design, this can, theoretically, be created within a week. However, since often various appointments including location inspection, measurements or other appointments with third parties are required, this takes more time. To create a unique and new experience, as we often do, we proceed similar to an architect building a house. Wishes and necessities are recorded, then the suitable location is searched for or we already have the necessary location and accommodate all demands and necessities in the existing one. If we can not offer it in-house, third parties are brought on board and the actual planning process can begin.

How do you make the design of a wedding personal? How do you make it reflect the personality of the couple?

Often it is only the interaction of many different details that contribute to the personal design of the couple. Be it with special materials, colors, shapes or themes as well as the personal story that runs through the entire day. Of course, design is not only about the visual senses, but we also play on the other components in our designs and planning, such as the experience, the food, the music, etc.,. For us, design is all-encompassing and not just limited to the visual.

Do you have any special advice for couples looking to design their wedding? 

Always book a professional, after all, when you build a house you also rely on an architect by your side. And get inspired by Pinterest and the like, but never let it drive you crazy. There are too many different styles, colors and trends, listen to your gut feeling, it must be right for you and for no one else.

We hope that GAEA.DESIGN’s advice on wedding design for an intimate wedding has inspired you to leave the design to wedding designers for your big day as well.